You don’t need a software or lean consultant to help select and implement an MES

You don’t need a software or lean consultant to help select and implement an MES

At Aspect Productivity Technology we’ve worked with over 50 companies in Australasia helping them select and implement AspectPL Manufacturing Execution System (MES) software in their business. We are a trusted technology partner and solutions provider.

We don’t charge consulting fees and we are not aligned with any lean or software consultants. We believe most manufacturing businesses know their business and their needs well enough to make their own decision about an MES. They just need some guidance around what’s available and some insight into the depth of functionality a full MES can bring to their business.

If you’re considering an MES you already know that running a manufacturing floor manually and separately to your office software (ERP) is not cutting it. Most days, it’s just not working as well as it could and you want a better way.

Choosing the best MES software solution for your business

We believe you are the expert in your business. Who else knows more about it than you?

Most manufacturers can easily benchmark their own business with their customers and competitors. They can diagnose manufacturing problems and know what processes need refining. Manual production scheduling, poor visibility and limited or no live manufacturing data are likely pain points.

AspectPL MES works alongside your existing systems. It can integrate with any ERP and allows data to flow both ways – it’s part of your Industry 4.0 and big data long term digital goals.

An important ingredient in any business is people. You know your team’s capabilities, their frustrations and hunger for a better way to work – every day. Perhaps some staff are already advocating for a visible and digital way to better manage manufacturing.

What features does true MES software provide?

A trusted technology partner, someone with a track record of success in manufacturing

  • A proven, robust solution specifically designed for discrete manufacturing applications
  • ERP integration – easily handles large multi-level BOMs, product dependencies, alternative routings, family tools and multiple classes of products
  • Automated real-time scheduling – can adjust scheduling on the fly
  • Machine connected monitoring – shows machine status as it happens in real-time
  • Root cause analysis and reporting – data provides visibility and traceability
  • Can handle multiple brands and ages of machines and manual assembly processes
  • ISA-95 data standard compatible – the MES speaks the same language as the ERP
  • Advanced quality measurement functionality
  • Licensed per machine or line – unlimited users and log-ons without penalty
  • Ongoing software updates and generous technical support – free to all users as part of the SaaS license model, payable monthly
  • Future capabilities and room for expansion; Industry 4.0 ready, big data, robots, OPC-UA compatibility etc.

Our ERP and/or SCADA vendors say they have an MES module just like AspectPL – do they?

No, they don’t. It will probably be a poor and yet often expensive substitute. Many consultants (and ERP and SCADA vendors) don’t understand how an advanced digital MES can slot into the manufacturing process seamlessly. Barriers such as ERP integration and offers of a big brand ERP add-on or modulated MES are often touted.

Add-ons or modules are not a true MES. They don’t offer the depth of features, real-time production data and analytical tools that makes manufacturing easier every day. A good MES actually extends the value of an ERP by providing real-time visibility to production order status and inventory levels. This provides better business decision support, planning and collaboration across the organisation.

You’ve spent a great deal of money on an ERP system, why not leverage the benefits and investment in that ERP by aligning it with a world-class MES solution?

How do I know AspectPL MES software is as good as it sounds?

Understandably most customers conduct due diligence on any software purchase. Customers want an external opinion and validation of purchase.

Post scoping meetings and product demonstrations, AspectPT organises an independent visit to an existing customer site. This allows potential customers to view how AspectPL works for others in a similar industry and to ask questions of an independent user.

To provide even more peace of mind, AspectPT offers a 6-month right of termination. AspectPT guarantees to buy back the Beckhoff (PLC) controller and cease the license fee if customers reject the solution for any reason, within the initial six-month license period.

If you’re still not sure, just ask our customers, look at what they have to say. Read customer case studies.

Easy MES software Implementation

The AspectPT team will work alongside your IT, electrical staff and production teams throughout the implementation process. We provide a plan, detail tasks and responsibilities and manage the implementation with our customers.

  • Implementation project plan
  • Infrastructure oversight – monitors, tablets, PLCs, LAN, WiFi etc.
  • Machine and plant wiring
  • PLC and server set up
  • ERP integration
  • Product and equipment set up
  • Scheduling and work orders
  • Job information and dependencies
  • Quality and traceability
  • Finished product and packing
  • Training, go live and more training
  • Post-implementation support and data insight

As customers become more experienced, they gain more and more practical efficiencies from the data and analysis provided. Once your business is up and running AspectPT offers ongoing software support and development, enabling customer-specific screens and customised views if required.

Aspect Productivity Technology – working alongside our customers to implement an awesome MES solution. No consultants required.