Best MES Installation tips

Best MES Installation tips

We’ve had many different approaches to MES installation from our clients. Some take a methodical and stepped approach to installation while others want immediate installation. Some production teams are on board and ready for change instantly while others require some coaching and mentoring to go from a manual system to a digital one.

Here are 3 important success factors to getting the most out of your MES installation.

1. All on board – top to bottom

The implementation of AspectPL is not just an add-on to the production floor. It is a strategic initiative which improves the productivity of the manufacturing plant and the financial success of the company. To take advantage of the visibility AspectPL affords a business, support needs to come from the senior management team right through to the production staff.

2. Live the plan – it’s worth it

The AspectPL team gives customers a comprehensive implementation plan. Customers need to read and understand this plan and implement the steps they are responsible for, in the timeframe agreed. This means the installation team can focus on implementation and staff training when they are onsite.

3. The crystal ball is a real thing

The data AspectPL provides will highlight manufacturing constraints and inefficiencies and demand operational changes. The newly available data means the future can now be a disciplined approach to manufacturing management.

Not sure how your production team will adjust to a digital system? Here are some steps that our clients have told us helped their production teams go from manual to digital production.

Implement simple process changes to ease the team into new habits

To instil a discipline of using data and to create a data framework, some clients have chosen to manually collect data prior to the AspectPL installation. Some say this approach helped their team transfer from paper based data to tablets easily. One client actually changed their manual production board to match the AspectPL TV screen before the install date so the team could get used to the layout.

Prior to installation, demonstrate the value of manufacturing data by choosing a machine metric to measure. One that can demonstrate how having accurate and consistent data can benefit production.

One client recorded machine alarms. This information helped determine exactly when their screw tips needed replacing so they could do preventative rather than reactive maintenance. This example helped the team see how collecting and analysing data could achieve efficiencies.

Give the production team time to adjust pre-installation

To get staff into good work habits, one client had a ‘get used to it’ month before they went live. This allowed staff time to get used to the visibility of the machines and adjust their work processes accordingly.

We have never had a Production Manager that is not surprised by the positives that having access to production data allows. We’ve seen insecure production staff go from sceptical and frightened to advocates. Some who have literally jumped up and down when they have scheduled their plant within an hour. Others enjoy the ability to drill down on data and discover anomalies that are constraining their business.